D Appendix Chapter 4
D.1 Supplemental figures 4.1
D.2 Supplemental figures 4.2
D.3 Methodological information 4.2
The study consisted of two separate research sessions. In the first session (N = 216), most of the questionnaire data (except for the Autism Quotient) was collected. The second session (N = 209) included the categorization task and the Autism Quotient questionnaire. 131 participated in both sessions. In what follows we will only detail the information for the second session.
Participants: 209 first-year psychology students from KU Leuven participated in the second part of the study (87.08% female, age between 17 and 28, mean age = 18.65, sd age = 1.44).
Material: Stimuli were a subset of two series of non-identifiable morph figures used in the study described in 3 (based on stimuli from Op de Beeck et al., 2003a). More specifically, when we define the extremes of the series containing 11 stimuli as -5 and 5, levels -5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, and 5 were used.
The experiment itself was written in Python 3 and run on Windows computers with TFT screens of 21,5".
Procedure: Students participated in groups. After giving informed consent and completing some demographical questions, each participant completed the categorization task for both non-identifiable morph series (a separate block for each morph series) two times. The order of the morph series was randomized across but fixed within participants. Afterwards, participants completed the Autism Quotient questionnaire and completed a third and fourth block of categorization trials for each morph series (in the same order as the first time).
At the start of the first categorization block, participants completed four example trials with a separate morph series (see C). Before the start of each block of categorization trials, participants were shown four ‘clear’ exemplars per category, to give them an idea of the categories. In the middle of each block, the response buttons switched meaning. Participants were informed about this switch with new instructions and were reminded of the current meaning of the buttons on each response screen.
Each trial in the categorization task consisted of (a) the presentation of a fixation cross (500 ms); (b) the presentation of the stimulus (300 ms); (c) a response screen reminding participants which arrow key to press for category A and which for category ; and (d) a blank interval (400 ms). In other words, the interstimulus interval had a duration of 900 ms (400 ms blank screen and 500 ms fixation cross). The exact position of the stimuli was jittered (from -20 to 20 on both x and y axes) to prevent focus on local feature changes only. As we were interested in the effect of the previous stimulus level on the current percept, we made sure that all possible stimulus pairs were repeated at least twice in each block of trials. The presentation order of these stimulus pairs within each block was randomized. Each block contained 392 stimuli, so participants were presented with 1568 stimuli in total (2 morph series, 2 blocks per morph series).
In the interactive version of this document, you find screen recordings of some trials of each task in this study.
Availability study materials: The data and materials for this project are available on Open Science Framework: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/56X8J.
D.4 Supplemental Figures 4.3
D.5 Supplemental information 4.3
As the study of Schwiedrzik et al. (2014) did not include a measure of absolute orientation bias, we do not have any data on the relation between absolute bias with the hysteresis and adaptation effects yet. We do however have some pilot results from a science communication event, where 31 participants did 10 to 60 trials to find out their own orientation bias. These pilot data (Figure D.16) hint at diversity in both the direction of this bias as well as the strength of the bias, although more and more controlled data collection is needed to evaluate this properly. In addition, these pilot data show that at least some consistency in the direction and strength of the bias can be found between different blocks when participants completed more than one block of ten trials.
In the interactive version of this document, you find screen recordings of some trials of each proposed task in this study.
D.6 Supplemental videos 4.4
In the interactive version of this document, you find screen recordings of some trials of each proposed additional task (instructions not included).